Wednesday 19 October 2016

Research essay Plan

Research essay Plan-

General introduction to male representations in reality tv:
  • Brief overview of representations of men (noticeable stereotypes/representations, social issues)
  • Insight of female representations (known stereotypes, social issues, relation to male stereotypes)
  • Stating of main texts (Made In Chelsea, The Only Way Is Essex)
Section 1- Analysis:

FAIR, Values+Ideologies- Made In Chelsea and The Only Way Is Essex comparison. 
  • Forms (similar and different), Conventions (noticeable themes) 
  • Audience (who they are, influence and how they are influenced)
  • Institutions (who produces/distributes it, influence)
  • Representations (true representations, under-representations) 
  • Ideologies (beliefs and related theories, media terminology)
Section 2- Own ides and response: 
  • Interpretation (what I believe about male representations) 
  • Impact of media platforms (use and influence of Broadcast, Print and e-media) 
  • Judgement of male and female representations (How media influence gender roles)
Conclusion- Summary of ideas and findings:
  • Sum up of male representations (main, influences and the affects) 

Friday 14 October 2016

I have extensively investigated the causes for Male representations:

The media shapes our understanding of gender and sexuality. There are said to be changes in how men and women are represented, that in which reflect societal change. However, these representations seem to stem from not only the content of media, but also the production of it. Men dominate over 60% of global media in all senses. Women are literally under-represented as men are usually given empowering roles on social issues which concern women eg. abortion. It can be said that the pre-feminism philosophy of the women not being allowed an education as it wold undermine the man, is still being expressed in society today, as it is the key notion which is suppressing positive female representation. With the production of media products being male dominated, it is easy to see the passive and active misogyny being demonstrated. Having said this, male representations are construed from the filtering of female representations.

Male representations of playboy, womanizing behaviour have come from the regression of female representations in all forms of the media. Looking at how women are depicted in media is a key source which can illustrate male representation. Angela McRobbie said that there is a close-minded focus on feminism, where women are only given empowerment through choice of clothing and how they look, even to conforming to male playboy behaviour- this infact has an extent as significant numbers of women in media forms like reality tv, are rarely liberated in their choice of sexuality and promiscuity.

Platforms in which influence representations;

Magazines such as Men's Health are a massively consequential entity for male representations. Modern society is becoming increasingly fixated on appearance, especially men. This has magnified the need for going to the gym to look (and feel) physically attractive. Men's Health are directly exhaling the idea of hypermasculinty into the minds of men. Ordinary men are striving to appear like the husky model on the current issue, conforming to the idea that as a man you have to look physically empowering. Intertextuality has played the role of transferring male stereotypes, as this portrayal of men in print media has branched into broadcasting media - reality tv. A vast majority of male characters, look to create that hypermasculinated body image.

In terms of the regression of women, magazines such as FHM promote the ideology of women only being useful if they are sexually attractive. This type of mainstream media now allows the incentive for men to see women first and foremost as sex objects. This directly links to the growing stereotype of the male 'sex hound'- only wants and looks to have sexual encounters with women. To add to this issue, even magazines such as Ok Magazine, which create depictions of men as well as women, the form of writing and publishing is very different. Men are often displayed along with significant experiences in their profession, whilst women are often presented with the importance of what they were wearing to some sort of event, or even stories related to female life, such as pregnancy. This is a very subtle but key form of the media being socially detrimental to women, constructing the perceived dominance of men over women.

Undoubtedly, the plot of most mainstream action movies are based on Todorov's equilibrium and Propps Characters. But the most considerable part of this is where the female is used as the princess and the prize for the hero. This constant presentation of women being an object to win for male superiority, is clearly a construction of the male stereotype of being a playboy who always eventually gets the girl he wants. Significantly in addition to this, mainstream action movies also add to the typical convention within reality tv which is star construction. The main character is quite consistently presented through their role in the movie, which often features them being illustrated as desirable for women. These are clear examples of how different areas in broadcast can affect male stereotypes.

Social media is one of the most influential forms of media, as it is one of the main places in which give people liberation and a voice. Institutions have noticed this, as a new and key source of marketing is through social media. However, the ways in which marketing is done is quite noteworthy, as there is a clear trend in the type of endorsement. More often than not, men in reality tv will endorse some sort of gym related item, for instance protein powder. This links to the perception that men should constantly care about being muscular and physically endowed. Whereas women in reality tv, are frequently use to endorse make-up or some sort clothing (usually sexualised eg. bikini). This demonstrates how institutions force male and female characters to play into their stereotype, in order for financial gain.


Heather Mendick; 12/10/2016;
Angela McRobbie; 12/10/2016;

Sunday 9 October 2016

For my Linked production piece, I have looked at these opening scenes:

I have investigated the codes and conventions of these opening scenes:

  • Posing/model-type facial expressions; demonstrates an augmented reality through the controlled perception of the character and connotes the importance of appearance through displaying the face and clothing first. 
  • Relatable, Cultured or Iconic sound; presents how reality tv is usually focused on one social group which are linked to the music and allows viewer familiarity when watching peaking their interest, as well as allowing surveillance for viewer to see whats trending.
  • Coming Together at the end; displays a cohesion and the social group, and allows viewers to gratify need for social identity.
  • Male and Female habits; females often care for appearance and sex appeal through frequent playing with their hair, hands on hips,  sexualized features and provocative clothing, whilst men often cared for clothing and looking handsome/suave, or appearing as a typical playboy. 
  • Main cast member consistently shown first; presents the use of star construction through the depiction of a leading character and also allows show to revolve around their behaviour. 
Key features included:
  • First Names are shown clear and next to cast member.
  • Midshots are used when showing character (with the occasional close up/head shot)
  • Smooth transition to next cast member (with added special effects)
  • Clear and Iconic title at the end of the sequence. 
  • Bright lighting and Make-up.
  • Iconic/Cultured sound.
  • Suggested Clothing (relates to cast member)
  • Posing/acknowledging of camera. 

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Report on research progress:

Analysis of Reality TV introduction sequences:(The Only Way Is Essex, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Made in Chelsea, Geordie Shore)

  • Themes
Appearance and physical features are clear themes which are presented, as each shot of a female is shown as sexualising their features, looking at the camera provocatively, or playing with their hair. This depicts the stereotypes of women caring about sex appeal and looks, connoting beauty over brains. Significantly, male characters are very often presented in suave clothing, and clearly not acting provocatively. This displays how representations of men are that they are high status playboys after the promiscuous women. In layman's terms, the opening scene of reality tv alone presents men to be sex focused creatures who thrive on intimacy with females.

  • Codes and Conventions
Augmented reality is a massive convention, especially star construction. Richard Dyer said that star construction is based on the commercialisation of a star and how a star is recognised through their culture, ideologies, personality and behaviour. Star construction is key for this, as shows like The Only Way Is Essex and Made In Chelsea, both use this theory in the same way. The construction of stars like Spencer Matthews and Joey Essex have been centred around them being massive playboys, who regularly get what they want. This creates the stereotype of all men being untrustworthy partners. 

Analysis of Reality TV scenes: 

  • Themes
Cast members very often include very attractive men and very attractive women, rarely ever the 'average' man or woman. Each character known for being promiscuous. This form of entertainment is growing throughout society. Relationships are often depicted in sexualised manners but always to a certain extent. Reality tv has become a very soft version of pornography for the masses, and the portrayal is deemed appropriate. The role of the man is still as the dominant sex partner, doing as he pleases. An extreme but however linked view can be the idea of how porn is a theory, and rape is a practicle. This in the sense that men are represented as having sexual empowerment over women, and are stereotyped as physically dominant. 
  • Ideology
The male gaze has a strong role in reality tv, as so much of it is the male perspective of how life is and should be. Scenes in The Only Way Is Essex, often display men to be very focused on lavish objects like cars and money, whilst women usually are displayed to be focused on beauty through being seen in salons or doing make-up. This can connote to the post colonialist idea of men being in control of both making and sustaining wealth, whilst women are just there for their partner. 

Monday 3 October 2016

Critical Investigation Proposal and Linked Production Piece

The subject matter in which I will carry out my critical investigation on will be gender representations in reality tv.

The premise of this will be research-based and will mainly look into the main and significant representations of men and women. I will be investigating with current and high demand reality tv shows, and will insightfully analyse the roles of each male and female character, whilst also noting recurring themes within each.

The type of question I will propose will be: ‘Why are male representations stereotyped in reality tv?’ – This will enable me to carry out an investigation with broad areas research such as age, ethnicity, sexuality etc.

In terms of context, the main areas I will research will be economical and social as these areas directly link, affect and are affected by reality tv (with the inclusion of production, distribution and reception), for example the influence of social media, and celebrity endorsements and advertising.

For my linked production piece, I will create a on opening scene for a reality tv show, displaying recurring codes and conventions.
The piece will be based on three very different half-brothers, who all share the link of having the same formerly famous father, and have to take on the tribulations of living in London and trying to make something of themselves. All whilst trying to leave the shadow of their father and being their own independent person.